15 years ago, if you’d told me I’d spend today hovering over a toilet with my 8-year-old son, reading Fancy Nancy to my red-headed 4-year-old and tickling my 2-year-old until she squealed, I’m not sure what I would have said. But if you’d have added that at the end of the day my wonderful, sweet, thoughtful husband would be getting me a milkshake, I’m pretty sure if have told you “I hope it works out so well!”

Aside from the puking, today was pretty great. Even when you add in the puking, it wasn’t that bad. Actually, the puking highlights why the last 15 years have been so great (in aggregate). I was able to be home with my sick kid today and not worry about missing work, paying for day care I wasn’t using or any of that. My husband worked hard to earn a degree in a field that pays well enough for me to stay home with very little sacrifice on our part. That’s amazing. I know how fortunate we are to be in this situation. Me, mostly. I’m the fortunate one who gets to watch Star Wars marathons in my pjs with the kids. (Even though James decided to start with Episode 1, gag!).

I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom and I’m pretty happy most days with how that’s turned out. So, it’s been a good 15 years. I’m glad we got married. I’d do it again, even with the puking and crappy Star Wars movies.